Colossians 3:3-13 feels very much like a list of ‘thou shalt nots’ intended to leave us feeling condemned and hopeless. But that’s not what’s going on here. Paul is writing to a church, a group of people who are following the way of Jesus, and what he’s really telling them is this: “You need each other! You cannot do this on your own.” The list of things he instructs us not to do are all things that corrupt and corrode relationships.
Sexual immorality turns the other person into an object for my selfish desires. Greed selfishly takes more than I need and deprives others. Anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language all shape the people around us according to our undisciplined and selfish desires - we stomp around insisting everyone else bends to our way of seeing the world and create scenarios where community becomes strained.
But these behaviors only serve to put us at risk of losing what we really need most, each other. So, Paul goes on to say, “clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another just like the Lord forgave you.”
This kind of life will lead to beautiful life-giving relationships with people. This is the Church, the people of God extending the love of God to the world, because we need each other!