Summer Programs

Specialty Camps

Specialty Camp Details

Specialty Camps run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 12 p.m.-3 p.m., 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., or 4 p.m to 7 p.m daily. Please choose your camp time carefully.

A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the camp start date. Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

HALF-DAY FUN camp (12 p.m.- 3 p.m.) is only offered for campers attending Sports Camps and Specialty Camps that run from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The cost of Half Day Fun Camp is $165 per week (except Week 4, which is $140 for the 4-day week).  

If you need an additional afternoon camp option other than Half Day Fun Camp, Tennis Camp, Fun Art with Recyclables, Esports, Make-a-Splash VBS, and other Camps may be available from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.  Please check the calendar for details. The cost of afternoon Sport and Specialty Camps is $300 per week ($240 for the week of June 30-July 4).

The Half-Day Fun Camp and Aftercare options are not available to PK3 and PK4 Campers.

NOTE: There is a one-time registration fee of $30 for each camper per summer.

Camp Offerings

List of 20 items.

  • Alge-Bra & Geo-Bro's

    Grades 7-12
    July 22-26
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    We will start with a math diagnostic assessment to create an individualized plan for each participant. Depending on the student's needs, we will either reinforce, or advance skills required to succeed in the beginning of the upcoming school year. The goal for this week are to refresh and build on the foundations of all high school math.  This camp is appropriate for students who would benefit from support in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and Geometry.

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the camp start date.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Billy Comber ( or Josh Ramos ( with questions.
  • Art and Science Camp: CAMP TIME TRAVEL!

    Kindergarten-Grade 6
    June 10-14
    9 a.m.-3 p.m.

    Strap on your seatbelt -- We're going on a wild ride to the past AND the future! 

    Throughout the week, we will travel to some of your favorite times in history. Sign the Declaration of Independence with a feather pen and real ink made by you. Build a snowman on the ONE day it snowed here in Miami. Create your own plane and test it with the Wright Brothers. Disguise your name with the mirrored writing of Leonardo DaVinci, sew with the pilgrims, crack open dinosaur eggs, make wooden toys in Colonial times, paint the ceiling with Michaelangelo at the Sistine Chapel, help build Stonehenge, make prehistoric amber slime, and see yourself as an astronaut on the first moon landing! 
    We'll make bowls with the same clay used during Bible times, and use the iPads to create photos of yourself experiencing your favorite historical events! 

    We will travel back to the first day you were born, and even make a ceramic birthday dish for all your birthdays in the future! Speaking of the future; You will create a time capsule for you to open in 2029 and make a photo of  what you will look like when you are 100 years old!

    Mr. Heetderks will bring you back to when the dodo bird WASN'T extinct, and the exact day Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. You will shoot a catapult in a Medieval battle, recreate your own Titanic and test it out in water, and even see if you can make a building strong enough to survive the Great San Francisco Quake of 1906!  Finally, figure out how you would catch an orangutan named "Hairy Houdini" on the day he escaped from the San Diego zoo!

    As always, you will love hanging out with your counselors to complete challenges, sing silly songs, hang out in the Wild Acre, and even play time-machine charades! At the end of our week, we will have a dance party with all your favorite songs from the past!

    The weekly fee is $435 and includes a daily hot lunch, art materials, kiln firing fees, snacks, scientific creations, and a bag of full of art masterpieces to amaze your friends and family!  Spots always fill up quickly so be sure to register right away!  

    Get ready to jump into our time machine at Camp TIME TRAVEL!

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the camp starting. Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Anne Heetderks ( with questions.
  • Esports

    Grades 3-8
    June 24-28
    12 p.m. - 3 p.m.
    **Afternoon Camps must add on to a morning camp.

    Esports is more than just playing video games for fun or prizes. It is a way of learning, growing, and connecting with others through competitive gaming. We envision a future where Esports is as respected and valued as traditional sports, and where gamers can pursue their passion with dignity and support. We choose video games that are not only enjoyable, but also educational and social, fostering a sense of teamwork, creativity, and leadership among our players - just like with traditional sports.

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Billy Comber ( and Josh Ramos ( with questions.
  • Full STEAM Ahead

    Kindergarten-Grade 2
    June 24-28
    July 22-26
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Can you build an igloo with toothpicks and marshmallows? How about a parachute using only a coffee filter and pipe cleaners? Each day we will have a book-inspired STEAM activity that allows boys and girls to explore materials in a hands-on and open-ended way. We will also enjoy STEAM stations which is a time for working together to build, play, create and explore. Come join us for a time to get your imagination and creativity flowing as we explore fun activities using Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math!

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Anita Berteletti ( with questions.
  • Fun Art with Recyclables

    Kindergarten-Grade 3
    July 8-12 
    July 15-19
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Kindergarten-Grade 4
    $260/week (includes a hot lunch)
    July 8-12
    July 15-19
    12 p.m.-3 p.m.
    **Afternoon Camps must add on to a morning camp.

    Who knew that upcycling discarded packaging materials could be this amusing! Come and have fun with all kinds of recyclable materials - cardboard, cans, newspaper, bottles, etc. – as you create amazing art pieces while being kind to nature. The first week we will dive deep into the ocean making jellyfish lamps and a 3D version of the ocean floor. The second week we will explore the Everglades and the animals that call this habitat. 

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Valentina Lopez ( or Latisha Justice ( with questions.
  • Girl Squad

    Kindergarten-Grade 5
    June 17-21 - Taylor Swift Eras Week
    July 8-12 - Barbie Week
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Are you a girl in need of a week's worth of pampering, make overs, crafts, and games? GRAB YOUR BESTIE and come join Westminster teachers Ms. Dirube and Mrs. Belvedere in a boutique-style camp made just for girls! Each of our two weeks of camp will revolve around different exciting themes.

    This year’sthemes will include: Barbie Week and Taylor Swift Eras week! Activities will include daily makeovers, arts andcrafts, scavenger hunts, jewelrymaking, dance parties, and other good old fashion girlfun! We will finish eachFriYAYoff with group activitieslike a Malibu Barbie BeachBash or an Eras Karaoke dance party. Hurry upThere may not be any ‘blank spaces’ leftBe sure to ‘write your name’ to join us this summer and become a part of our GirlSquad!  

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Madeline Dirube ( or Natalie Belvedere ( with questions.
  • iCreate Memories!

    Grades 1-8
    June 10-14
    July 15-19
    July 22-26
    9 a.m.-12 p.m. 
    12 p.m.-3 p.m.**
    **Afternoon Camps must add on to a morning camp.

    iCreate Memories! Summer Camp is the ideal camp for children, grades 1–8, with a desire to learn the basics of photography while playing games, exploring our world, and creating memories. If you hand a camera to a child, you’ll soon realize that they see the world around them much differently than adults. They tend to take notice of the smallest things that many of us overlook. This camp is designed around what appeals the most to children... free play, creativity, hands-on activities, arts and crafts, and creating and displaying masterpieces!
    Students will have the opportunity to play freely, take creative photos with guided instruction, and create masterpieces, using fun and age-appropriate apps and programs, that will be printed and sent home. Campers can use camp-provided DSLR cameras and/or camper-owned cell phones to learn how to take good shots and edit the photos in fun and unique ways. No matter the age, all children will enjoy our camp!
    Equipment to Bring: iPhone or iPad highly suggested. If your child does not have either of these, they can borrow one from us.

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Kim Comber ( with questions.  
  • Knockout Summer Reading

    Grades 6-12
    June 17-21
    June 24-28
    July 22-26
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Summer Reading assignment guidance.

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Francisco Pino ( with questions.
  • Math & Test Prep Clinic

    Grade 5
    June 24-28  
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    This summer camp will keep your child's math skills sharp by reinforcing past skills and introducing them to the skills needed for 5th grade.  It will prepare them for a successful start in August!  Students will cover operations and algebraic thinking, number and operations in base ten, fractions, measurement and data, geometry, as well as testing strategies.  The weekly fee includes a notebook and math practice book.  

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Mailyn Santiesteban ( with questions.
  • Mission to Mars Space Camp

    Grades 5-6
    June 17-21 
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    This summer, launch to Mars during a fun-filled week of space exploration. You will explore the science, engineering, and technology needed to travel to Mars. Design a crew module, build a heat shield, and use the engineering design process to construct a rover. Learn the story of NASA’s Artemis Program that will land the first woman and first person of color on the moon as soon as September 2025! Be part of a daily mission debrief before your reentry back home.  Ready for liftoff in 3…..2….1…..! 

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Mailyn Santiesteban ( or Nanette Gordon ( with questions.
  • Preschool Camp

    Ages 3 and 4
    June 10-14
    June 17-21
    June 24-28
    July 1-3 & 5 (4 days-$180)
    July 8-12
    July 15-19
    July 22-26
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.
    Afternoon options not available. 

    If you have a preschooler, this is the camp for you! Campers will be encouraged to develop their creativity through crafts, games, songs, and lots of other developmentally appropriate activities! We specialize in motor skills and social development through various educational techniques. They will end the week with a sense of community, belonging, and friendship with their peers.  Each week has a different, interesting and exciting theme.  This year there are camps specifically for children entering PK3 and PK4.  Please choose your age group carefully.

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Please contact Charlene Dodson ( with questions regarding PK3 Camp.

    Please contact Tori Suris ( with questions regarding PK4 Camp. 

  • Reading and Math Blast

    Kindergarten-Grade 2
    June 17-21
    July 15-19
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Hands-on reading and math activities to maintain skills learned and to prepare for the coming school year. Builds and enforces skills through interactive sensory learning games.

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.   

    Contact Vicki Davis ( with questions.
  • Serve2Lead: Servant Leadership Camp

    Grades 6-8
    June 24-28
    9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

    Campers will become familiar with different ways of exercising leadership, their own strengths and weaknesses, and how they can best work with others in a leadership context. They will learn and apply leadership skills in hands-on practical, fun ways that encourage them to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions about what constitutes leadership. The emphasis is on application of concepts in team building fun challenges. 

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Lenny Castaneda ( with questions.
  • Spanish Fiesta

    June 17-21
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    We are thrilled to extend our Spanish Fiesta into the Summer! Our campers are in for an unforgettable immersion program in a safe and loving environment. Our camp uses science, squishies, tasty snacks, music, and crafts to make learning fun. Don't let this FIESTA pass you by. Nos Vemos!  

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Maxi Hughes ( or Jesica Barboza ( with questions.
  • Vacation Bible School-Make a Splash!

    Kindergarten-Grade 3
    $260/week (includes the cost of lunch)
    June 17-21
    12 p.m.-3 p.m.
    **Afternoon Camps must add on to a morning camp.

    This summer we are going to Make a Splash as we dive into God’s Word! Our camp will include praise and worship, studying God’s Word, crafts, games, snacks, and more. Brace yourself for an unforgettable adventure, because there's truly no better way to soak up the sunshine and make lasting memories than by immersing yourself in the incredible journey of learning God's way! 

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Maxi Hughes ( or Jesica Barboza ( with questions.
  • VEX IQ Robotics

    Grades 3-5
    July 8-12
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Gear up this summer for robotics building and programming challenges.  The students will rotate through three areas:  Robot building, VEX Code programming, and 3D printing using Tinkercad.  Applying the Engineering Design process, students will build a VEX IQ robot and a VEX Crossfire Airplane.  The VEX IQ robot will be used in a competition on the last day of camp in alliances with other camp teams.  Students will operate the robot to maximize points using the latest game elements.  The VEX Crossfire Airplane will be for the students to take home. 

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Claudia Pastrana ( with questions.
  • Warrior Cheer Camp

    Kindergarten - Grade 8
    June 17-21 (Grades 6-8)
    June 24-28 (Kindergarten-Grade 5)
    July 15-19 (Kindergarten-Grade 5)
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Calling all Elementary and Middle School aspiring and returning Cheerleaders!  Enjoy a fun-filled and high-energy camp fit to all skill levels.  Come learn new cheers and dances from our experienced coaches while increasing your knowledge in jumping and stunting techniques.

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  
    Contact Beverly Hew  (  with questions.
  • Warriorette Minis Dance Boot Camp

    Grades 3-6
    July 8-12
    12 p.m.-3 p.m.
    **Afternoon Camps must add on to a morning camp.

    Want to get a sneak peek at what it's like to be on the Warriorette Dance Team?  Come train with Coach Nicole in jazz, hip hop, and contemporary dance technique and see if you have what it takes!

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Nicole Perez ( with questions.
  • Westminster Drum Camp

    Grades 2-8
    June 10-14
    June 17-21
    June 24-28
    July 1-3 & 5 (4 Days - $180)
    July 8-12
    July 15-19
    July 22-26
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Drum Camp is a week-long music making and drumming experience for incoming second through eighth grade students. This camp is led by Mr. Snider and is designed to give you many opportunities to explore the different percussion instruments in the Band. Campers will get to play the Drum Set, Drum Circle, Drum Line, Tower Chimes, the Gong, Xylophone, Marimba, Bells, Bass Drum, and many other percussion instruments. No prior music experience is needed!  We hope you will be able to join us for a great week of music!

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact John Snider ( with questions.
    Read More
  • X-Lab

    Grades 5-9
    June 17-21
    9 a.m.-12 p.m.

    Get ready to dive into the wild world of science! In this class, you won't just be sitting at your desk taking notes. We're going to get up close and hands-on with all kinds of crazy experiments and activities. 
    Brace yourself as we dissect slimy frog guts and extract DNA from strawberries. Things are about to get messy! You'll be mixing up chemical concoctions that fizzle, foam and explode all over the place. Just make sure your lab coat and goggles are on.  

    We'll also be getting physics-y by building contraptions and devices put to the test. Like dropping eggs from the school roof to see if you can keep them from cracking. Or constructing a volcano that actually erupts with real lava (okay, baking soda and vinegar but still epic!).  

    Biology, chemistry, physics - we'll dabble in all the major science areas. Get ready to engineer, construct and dismantle stuff in the name of SCIENCE! This class is gonna be a blast - literally in some cases. So leave your textbooks at home and prepare for some seriously hands-on science fun. Let's DO this! 

    A $30 fee will be assessed if a camper cancels registration of a Specialty Camp within 48 hours of the Camp starting.  Please contact the Camp Director if cancelation must be made due to an emergency.  

    Contact Mrs. Lisa Garrido ( with questions.
Camp Westminster
6855 SW 152 Street
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157

Walk-in camp office hours (June 9 - July 25):
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., in the Warrior Cafe.

Please direct all camp inquiries to Camp Director Taylor Infante or Camp Registrar Suzanne Suris at 
Westminster Christian School, located in Palmetto Bay, Florida, is a private, college-preparatory school for children from preschool through twelfth grade.